Market breadth is a means of measuring the strength of a trend in a securities market. Market breadth studies include: advancing vs. declining securities; up volume vs. down volume; new highs vs. new lows; number of stocks trading above or below a moving average; etc., in the market or index that is being studied. Market breadth indicators are sometimes referred to as internal market indicators, or market internals, as they are used to aggregate information about what is happening to all of the securities in a group that is being studied at a given point in time.
Market Breadth Indicators
There are many market breadth indicators available to investors trying to understand the strength of the current trend in the stock market. Here is a list of market breadth indicators that are kept up to date on this web site:
Market breadth can be measured in many different ways. If you have a market breadth indicator that you would like to see added to this web site, please send us a note by using this form: